St. Albert the Great Catholic Primary School

St. Albert the Great Catholic Primary School

The more I learn about the world
in which I live, the closer I grow to God

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Special Educational Needs

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

At St Albert the Great, we endeavour to meet the needs of individual children, teachers and all those who are involved in our school community. All policies reflect our commitment to inclusion of all groups of children encompassing those who are able, gifted and talented, to those with special educational needs and disabilities. Many children will have additional needs at some point during their time at St Albert the Great. These may be related to health, emotions, behaviour or learning. We aim to identify and address these needs through our school’s inclusive practice. We want to encourage and develop abilities and talents so that each child leaves the school with a positive self-image and sense of personal achievement, allowing for their spiritual, emotional and intellectual growth.

Who you can speak to about SEND

If you have any questions or queries about Special Educational Needs, or are concerned that your child has special educational needs, please speak with your child’s class teacher first. They will discuss any concerns with the members of staff responsible for SEND and ensuring that your child is able to achieve to the best of their abilities. If we identify difficulties, we will want to discuss them with you as soon as possible so that we can act together.

Our SEND team consists of Mrs Wilson (Head of School and Inclusion Leader) and Mrs Jarvis-Cross (SENDCo). Mrs Jarvis-Cross holds the National Award for SEND Co-Ordination. They can be contacted via the school office.

Our SEND team ensure that all staff follow the SEND Code of Practice to support the needs of every pupil. By carefully addressing individual needs, we aim to ensure that all children will be given every opportunity to achieve their true potential.

Tel: 01442 264835 Email: 

The SEND Governor is Mrs Alison Spice.

How we support children with SEND at St Albert the Great

We work to support pupils in a variety of different ways. Support may be provided through carefully differentiated work, an adult giving extra support through small groups or accessing specialist services from outside the school.

For more information on all that we offer children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, please download our School Information Report.

Inclusion Policy Autumn 2023

SEND Information Report 2023-2024 

SEND Policy Spring 2024

Access to the curriculum for pupils with SEND

We ensure that our SEND pupils have access to the curriculum by:

– ensuring constant refreshing of training for all staff, so that they have the knowledge and skills needed to support disabled pupils.

– considering best class room organisation for pupils hearing, visual, sensory, communication or other needs

– recognising the additional mental effort made by some pupils, for example those with hearing needs or processing needs and give rest breaks.

– working with parents, outside professional, curriculum advisors and the child to try to understand what is needed, and what might work best.

Further information can be found in our accessibility plan:

Accessibility Plan June 2022-2025

Pupils with medical conditions

We work to ensure that pupils at our school with medical conditions are properly supported so that they have full access to education, including school trips and physical education. We work with parents and health professionals to produce Individual Healthcare Plans when needed. Please see our policy for more information.

Medical Policy Autumn 2023


Children who have special educational needs but don’t have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan should apply for a school place in the usual way. Please see the admission pages of the website for more information.

Children with an EHC plan are allocated school places through a separate process and applications are handled by the pupil’s allocated SEN officer from Hertfordshire’s Special Needs Team. If you have any questions about this, please contact your child’s SEN officer.


We always endeavour to work in partnership with parents, however, there is a policy and process in place should it be needed.

ASCAT Complaints Policy Sep 23

All Saints Catholic Academy Trust (ASCAT)

Formed in 2016, as part of the Diocese of Westminster's Academy Strategy, we provide a collaborative structure of school support and innovation for Catholic schools in South West Hertfordshire. Our vision of an 'Outstanding Education for All' comes from this desire to enable all members of school communities to flourish and succeed and to do all that we can to make our schools places where ambition for all is at the heart of everything that we do.

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