St. Albert the Great Catholic Primary School

St. Albert the Great Catholic Primary School

The more I learn about the world
in which I live, the closer I grow to God

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At St. Albert the Great Catholic Primary School we place a high priority on Science, not least because our namesake, St Albert, is the patron saint of science. Linked to our mission statement, we believe that science helps us to learn more about the world in which we live, which helps us grow closer to God, the creator. 

We also recognise how important science is for the future of our world and accordingly, our vision for science at our school is that it might prepare our pupils for the jobs of the future. 

It is our intent that science at St. Albert the Great Catholic Primary School: 

  • makes links to our faith and the world in which we live. 
  • is engaging, relevant and meaningful. 
  • allows children to explore their curiosity. 
  • provides opportunity for children to investigate, acquire knowledge and apply it. 
  • makes the most of our environment. 
  • includes whole-school opportunities for awe and wonder. 

Priority is given to increasing children’s ‘science capital’ throughout their years at our school. Through delivery of the curriculum and many opportunities for investigations , visits and visitors, it is our intention to raise children’s attitudes and aspirations towards science.


Our science curriculum follows the National Curriculum to ensure that national expectations are met.

The curriculum allows pupils to immerse themselves in skills and knowledge through practical activities, investigations and research.  

Children are encouraged to discuss their ideas and predictions and to explain their thoughts making links between different concepts and using scientific vocabulary.   

The working scientifically skills build in complexity and in independence from Y1 to Y6. These are tracked through the working scientifically wheels. The wheels are displayed in the classroom and in the books of the children.

Knowledge is built on in small steps to ensure all children are confident in their understanding and can build on this knowledge from unit to unit, year to year.  

Children can refer to scientific learning and processes in other subject areas and make clear links with previous learning. 

Teachers assess formatively, throughout the curriculum with summative judgments made at the end of the unit/year.

In addition to the curriculum, we plan a rich variety of science opportunities, activities, trips and visitors to increase the science capital of our children.


Successful Science will see a clear progression of vocabulary and skills throughout the time the children are at St Albert the Great. Our approach results in fun, engaging Science education and raises the aspirations of our children.


At St. Albert the Great Catholic Primary School, we are passionate about raising aspirations and attainment in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

We have regular STEM related visitors, trips and workshops and celebrate national events such as British Science Week and the Great Science Share and we celebrate St. Albert the Great Feast Day with a morning of Science.


All Saints Catholic Academy Trust (ASCAT)

Formed in 2016, as part of the Diocese of Westminster's Academy Strategy, we provide a collaborative structure of school support and innovation for Catholic schools in South West Hertfordshire. Our vision of an 'Outstanding Education for All' comes from this desire to enable all members of school communities to flourish and succeed and to do all that we can to make our schools places where ambition for all is at the heart of everything that we do.

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