Acorn Road, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP3 8DW | Tel: 01442 264 835 | Email:
St Albert The Great Catholic Primary School
October 8 2016

Year 1 Curriculum

Governors At St Albert The Great

For more information about our Year 1 Curriculum please see the below booklet

Please see below for details of what the children will be learning this half term.

Below you can find a list of recommended reads for Year 1

How can I help my child?
Every week, children will receive their spellings, which will need to be practised at home.
We also ask that children read at least 4 times a week and that you take the time to listen to and discuss their reading book with them.
Regular practice of counting to at least 30, forwards and backwards – starting from different numbers. Recognising and writing numbers, the right way round, to at least 30 will also benefit the children in building up fluency in mathematics and will help with their recording

Regular handwriting practise at home. Below you can see the handwriting script we follow.

Useful Websites
Play along with the Alphablocks and have fun with the letters of the alphabet.
Lots of maths and literacy games
Lots of ‘Starting School’ Activities, songs and poems
Phonics Play has information about how to help your child with their phonic reading and writing.  There are also many games and interactive resources that your child can play for free.